Monday 16 April 2012

Further Site Analysis

Physical characteristics of the site not previously explored:

The below image illustrates that the path previously (before the 2011 floods) accessible to the site. This route is currently closed making the site inaccessible. Potentially, the site could be accessed from the above bridge or cliffs, and with the addition of a dock, the site could become a stop for the city cat or ferry.

Site Accessibility

Being the centre of commercial and residential (purple and orange shaded sections respectively) the site has potential to become a popular destination/thoroughfare. The last option is especially viable if the existing path is repaired and reopened, allowing commuters and exercisers to pass through the site.

Neighbouring sites, Orange: Residential,
Purple: Commercial, Green: Green Space

Neighbour Distance
The below picture illustrates a radius of a five minute walk. (*Five minute walk along a flat, strip landscape).  This demonstrates that if the site were to become a popular destination it would very close and reasonable proximity to the CBD and New Farm residential areas, this would in turn enhance Brisbane on a whole.

Green area indicates 5 min walk

Green space is a very common way to activate a public space and to enhance a city. The site already has copious amounts of greenery along the cliff face which is currently being neglected not only in maintenance but as aesthetic scenery. The below image demonstrates the green space on the site.

Site Green Space


As the site is currently abandoned and not accessible the strong sense of Brisbane’s’ history illustrated in the remaining buildings is not being portrayed. The site is lacking identity and purpose; it is instead sitting idly as wasted space on prime real estate. 

Learning Types

There are three main learning styles recognised by most educators:

Visual: Learn things by watching
Verbal: Learn things by listening
Kinetic: Learn things by doing

Although most people are sufficient at all three styles, there is often a dominate style that most favour. Because of this, I want my learning space to rely on a mix of exciting visual, verbal and kinetic elements.

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